Now accepting bookings for 2025 & 2026 Weddings!
Wedding Details
October 25, 2025
Bride's First Name:
Phone Number:
Wedding Date:
October 25, 2025
Bride's Last Name:
Bride's Married Name:
Additional Contact:
Jeffrey Morczek 360- 535-3547
Wedding Start Time:
Photo Start Time:
Do they prefer a trial?
If yes, what dates work for them.
7/11/2025 I put you in the appointment book for 11:00AM. Address: 410 Canal Pl, Little Falls, NY 13665
Wedding Location
6615 Buneo Rd, Port Leyden, NY 13433, USA
Getting Ready Location:
Renee Dugan
Bride Services (Hair, Makeup or Both):
Additional Hair Services (NOT Including Bride):
(at least) 2 Junior bridesmaids
Additional Makeup Services (NOT Including Bride):
Unknown at this time
Service Start Time:
10:30 AM
Service Completion Time
Photographer's Name & Contact:
Brent DeLanoy - Kickstand Photography: 607-376-1360
Permission to Use Photos?
Coordinator's Name & Contact:
Bride Style Information
Wedding Style
Rustic, romantic & fun
Personal Style
Natural minimalist! Jeans & t-shirt kinda girl. Fiancé is the same way. We spend our days chasing around 4 daughters, 2 for me & 2 for him. We get enough drama from the preteen, we don't need to dress it too lol
Hair Ideas
I'm still waiting to pick a dress and I think that will help determine the style but I either want down, curled and the front pulled back OR low bun/pulled back with curly front pieces. The one pick from your site is a great inspo pic if I go with the second idea.
Hair Concerns
I've been on a hair journey for about a year and a half now. I didn't know I had curly/wavy hair until last year and am learning how to manage it and keep it nice looking. I'm also afraid it's falling out (the stress in my life is very high) and I'm now taking vitamins to see if it helps. My whole life I was told I have thick hair but I don't think it really is anymore.
Will you be wearing hair extensions?
Hair Inspiration
Makeup Ideas
Sent Renee a picture from the website that I loved and it's exactly the minimalist/natural look I'm going for! I don't wear makeup. I own some eyeliner. Think of me like Andy from The Devil Wears Prada pre-makeover. (I do know how to use an eyelash curler though lol) I do not know how to apply makeup so I really am in need of help. I do love sparkle though, would never turn down some mildly sparkly eye shadow :)
Makeup Concerns
I have sensitive skin (also a major reason I don't own/wear any) and am prone to breakouts.
Will you be wanting to wear false lashes?
Makeup Inspiration
Bridesmaid Hair Ideas
curly half up/half down. Similar to the inspo pics
Bridesmaid Hair Inspiration
Bridesmaid Makeup Ideas
My two 'junior' bridesmaids are my daughters. Abby will be 13 by the wedding and Charlotte will be 8 (pushing 9) at the wedding. If Abby wants any, I believe it would be super minimal like mine. Maybe a little blush for Charlotte. If my fiancé's daughters get to come they will be 11 and 8 (pushing 9). They would be a similar style.
At this time I do not know of there will be a wedding party other than our kids. I do not know if my future MIL, future sisters in law or MOB will want theirs done.